Thursday, April 22, 2010

Listen to what whispers...

There is a whisper within you that is dying to be heard. It reminds you of all that you could be, all that you know you already are. The whisper promises love, dreams fulfilled and challenges met. Your whisper is a call to new beginnings, great adventures and to live a life of no regrets. It is subtle and cannot be heard by anyone else.

Your tribe can't hear it; they will tell you it is too dangerous and must be ignored. It is your choice what you want to believe; the subtle, unknown Truth within you, or the seemingly secure collective illusion of your Tribe. Your whisper is The Origin of all Creation speaking through you; trusting your whisper is your unique and courageous gift to our World.

It is my great promise to you that all of existence will conspire to assist you to bring forth your special gift only once you have fully committed to listening to what is heard by you alone.

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