Thursday, December 31, 2009

My 2010 New Year's Resolution

Hello and Happy New Year's Eve! I hope that whether it's already 2010 where you live or you are about to celebrate the New Year and New Decade that you are ready for change!

This week I shared with you my 2009 New Year's Resolution, which was a great look back at where my head was last year. It's amazing how powerful words and intentions are! 2009 was a challenging year and learning how to trust in the middle of seeming chaos was exactly what I learned to do in 2009!

But 2010 is a different story. A lot of our old way of living have fallen apart in the past decade. All of us felt a major shift in 2009, one that is still influencing our lives today. But there is good news.

Everything in life is a cycle and while 2009 was full of changes, loss, seeming chaos and endings, I feel that 2010 is our opportunity for a phenomenal rebirth.

My 2010 New Year's Resolution is to continue to create a life from my heart, to allow instead of try, to let greatness and love in by letting go of fear, to not look back, to know that I am worth it. I think one of the most important things we can do in the New Year is to stop chasing what's not meant to be ours and to accept all the blessings that are ours. 2010 is a year to break old habits and to integrate the lessons of 2009 so that we can rise to new and great heights that we had only dreamed of before.

In order to rise we must let go of whatever is not serving our happiness. This includes unhealthy relationships, habits, ways of thinking, eating, spending, talking and being that do not serve our Highest Potential.

2010 is a year to give up lower habits and desires and embrace our Highest Desire's of our Heart. We are setup to do this. You can find your Heart's desire in the space that's in-between your thoughts. Let go of bad habits and unhealthy relationships. Know you are worth your Heart's desire and more and that if you let your Heart guide you, you will always be taken care of.

2009 was a ball-busting year, a tough love year, a time for us to remember our true priorities. Those of us who got the message, who see what need to be done can make great leaps towards sustained happiness in 2010.

Do not fear this New Life of ours, step into it with Trust and the knowing that dream's do come true.

2010 is the year our collective phoenix rises again, this time not from the ego, but from the Heart. It's going to be an epic year! I've never been so excited and energized to welcome a new year, a new decade and a new life!!

Happy New Year you guys!! Make it a good one in 2010!

I'll see you on the other side!

All my love,



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Happy new year :)

Desiree said...

Hello! I found your blog through one of my readers - Writing to Sanity: - GREAT stuff here! I'll be back. ;)

Unknown said...

I totally agree!! Feels like the start of a new beginning. To put into practise what we learnt from 2009! Because what a lesson that year was...well for me anyway! Good luck, and good year to you! X