Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Send me your dreams!

Hello Friends,

I've gotten together with a special friend of mine to explore the wild complexities of dreams. We've decided to compile a book of dreams, and to do this we would love your help.

Dreams are defined as: "a succession of images, thoughts, sounds, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep.The content and purpose of dreams are not fully understood, though they have been a topic of speculation and interest throughout recorded history."

We would love to hear some of your dreams in the form of a story, a sentence, an idea... However you choose to describe your dreams is up to you.

Hand Written, Typed, With Art either attached or incorporated... Your dream can be as simple or if you feel inclined, as expressively creative as you like. All dreams will be anonymous.

Once we receive them, we will start to put the wonderfully dynamic dreams together in a book to make up a unique and beautiful look into the human experience. We hope you will participate and look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Send all dreams to:

Mastin Kipp
c/o The Daily Love
8033 Sunset Blvd - Suite 994
West Hollywood, CA 90046

Sweet dreams!



Anonymous said...

Lift up Ellie is just another balloon boy hoax! Thought you'd like to know. She's hiding in the attic too. Please double check your facts before you retweet crap like that!

Lindsey Fox said...

My dreams consist of having a lucrative
career in the fashion industry. I went to fashion
school and I have an entry level position
as asst. lingerie buyer for a small retailer.
I'm thinking about starting my own intimate
apparel line. It is my dream to bring that to

SteeleDreaming said...

do we send dreams that we have had while we were sleeping or life dreams?

dana said...

I had a dream the other night that my boyfriend of 4 years (off and on) asked me to marry him. We were engaged for three days and got married. My entire family came to the wedding from all over the country, but none of his came. I wore a white summer dress. I was very nervous and called my boyfriend to make sure he was ok with this. We got married. I woke up.

Hope this helps! I would love to figure this out! (: