Friday, November 6, 2009

Whether words or fist

If there is ever a reason to Love
It is when you have been attacked
The attacker, whether of words or fist
Is full of Fear
A wise and strong person
Will respond with Love
And the strength of their resolve
Will ever so slowly
Chip away at the hard shell
Of Fear’s protective layers
But, if you fight fear with fear
The result will be not one
But two deaths
See those who attack you
As children
Who are but searching for Love
And even if they
In the moment
Cannot see or hear your words
Give even still your Love
This is the greatest gift
And the fastest way to
For when you give Love
In the face of attack
You are protected by the Invisible
And your foe
Over time
Will finally, at last
See your Love
In themselves

Coypright 2009 Mastin Kipp

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful compassion and light you have in your words. I am humbled by your blog. This piece has inspired me today!